The File Distro tab is where all your files about your production will live. As an admin, you can manage all files and distribution lists. As a crew, you can view all files that have been distributed to you.
As Crew
View all your files and organize them by "Distro List" or "Latest" received. Click on the file to view directly from the app or download it to your device.
As Admin
Please note that these features are not available on CrewChat mobile. For the best Admin experience, please access File Distro on a desktop. Administrators on the production can:
- Upload Files
- Create Distro Packet - Once a distro list has been created, you can begin sending files.
- Manage Distro Lists - Create custom groups of crew for file distro.
- View All Files
Upload Files
This feature will allow you to upload files that you want to share in the future.
Click on "UPLOAD FILES" on the upper left-hand side of your screen and a pop-up window will prompt you to "Drag & Drop a File" or "Browse Files" to select which file you want to upload.
Manage Distro Lists
You must first create a Distro List before you can send a Distro Packet.
Click on "MANAGE DISTRO LISTS" and a pop-up will appear on the right side of the screen. Click "Create New Distro List +" to create a new list.
Create a Distro List Name. You can also select a Label Color to easily identify and categorize your Distro List. Upon creating a Distro List, you can also manage the File Security Settings. You have an option to "Disable Downloading for All Files," "Allow Downloading for All Files," or "Only Allow Downloading for Non-Media Files". You also have the option to enable watermarking for further file security.
Once you're done naming and setting the security settings for your Distro List, select the "Next" button to begin choosing the crew that should receive these files.
Crew will be organized as listed on your crew list. You can search for the crew by Name or Role. Once you've selected the crew that should receive a particular type of file, select "Done."
Create Distro Packet
Now that your Distro List has been created, you can begin sharing files.
Select "CREATE A DISTRO PACKET" and a pop-up box will appear. In the Memo section, you can enter more details about the file you are sharing. Select the file(s) you'd like to share and then click on the yellow "Select Distro List" button to distribute your packet to the crew.
Recalling Files
From the File Distro dashboard, you can also recall a distro packet. To recall distributed files, select the ellipses within the packet you want to recall, then select "Recall Distro Packet." Once confirmed, this will delete the file for everyone within the distribution list.
View All Files
This section will show you all your uploaded files. You can download or delete files by clicking on the ellipsis beside the title of the file. Please note that deleting a file from your "View All" list will not delete a file for everyone else. To revoke access for others on the crew, you must recall it.
And there you have it on CrewChat File Distro! If you have any further questions or have a particular concern that was not addressed in this article, please reach out to Impact Support.