Why is it important to add current availability to your profile?
Users have the ability to add and update their availability to work at any time on the Impact platform. Keeping availability updated helps power Impact’s AvailCheck Pro as well as user self-service AvailChecks. This will help you get vetted and hired onto productions swiftly and with ease.
How To Add Availability To Your Profile
Once you log in to your account at https://impact.net/, click your user icon at the top right hand of the screen, then select “View My Profile.”
Scroll down to the “Availability” box and select the pencil icon at the top right.
You can set your status to “Available,” “Availability Upon Request” or “Not Available.” To add public availability, set your status to “Available.” Two calendar boxes will populate asking you to set the start and end date of your availability. Hit “Save.” Your set availability should be reflected within the Availability box on your profile.
If you opt to set your availability to “Availability Upon Request,” be sure to confirm that your contact information is up-to-date. You can update your contact information at any time by scrolling down to the “Contact Info” box and selecting the pencil icon next to “Contact Info.”
Please note that updating your email address will also update the email needed to log in to the Impact platform.
Setting Preferred Working Locations
Feel free to set multiple preferred working locations at any time, whether avail or not. To do this, begin to type your preferred working location in the box located under the “Where do you prefer to work?” tab. The location should begin to auto-generate. Select as many locations as you want. Hit “Save.”
Your preferred locations should be reflected within the Availability box on your profile.
And there you have it on adding avails! If you have any further questions or have a particular concern that was not addressed in this article, please reach out to Impact Support.